#robert sheehan imagine
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monsterswithimagines ¡ 6 months ago
Masterlist collection
Joe Goldberg
Nathan Young
Bigby Wolf
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storiesforallfandoms ¡ 2 years ago
rescue mission ~ klaus hargreeves;umbrella academy
word count: 3646
request?: yes!
@werewolfbanshee-love​ “Awesome, so since I started today with the show can I ask for Y/N to be Klaus’s support and saves him from Cha-Cha and Hazel just being a badass”
description: in which the powerless human takes down two time commission agents on her own
pairing: klaus hargreeves x female!reader
warnings: swearing, violence, i use the name “vanya” in this one just because it takes place in season one
masterlist (one, two, three)
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A family full of superheroes, and those fuckers had no idea that one of their brothers was missing. Too wrapped up in their own bullshit to care about anything else. All those superheroes, and it took a goddamn regular human to track down and save a missing Klaus.
I had been in Klaus’ room, waiting for him to come back, when I heard gunshots downstairs. I quickly dropped to the floor and got under his bed for protection. I was not super human, so there was absolutely zero way I was getting involved with whatever was happening. I hoped Klaus also wasn’t getting involved. I listened to the sound of footsteps running past the room, things crashing downstairs, and more gunshots. My breathing became heavier with panic with every passing sound.
I waited a few seconds after the noises went quiet, waiting for any signs of Klaus, or anyone for that matter, coming to check on me. When nothing happened, I hesitantly crawled out from under the bed. I heard slamming doors outside and looked out just in time to see two figures getting into a black car and drive away from the Hargreeves residence. Neither figure looked like any of the Hargreeves siblings, so I took this to mean that the danger had left.
I slowly opened Klaus’ bedroom door and started down the hallway. There was bullet holes in the walls and pictures knocked down. The bathroom door was still open, so I peaked inside but found it empty. There were signs that Klaus had been in there, but none as to where he had gone after his bath.
I could hear voices as I descended the stairs. The giant chandelier from the foyer was now laying shattered in the middle of the floor. An uneasy feeling started to grow in my stomach.
I found Diego, Allison, and Vanya in the living room.
“Hey,” I said, breaking up their conversation. “Where’s Klaus?”
“Who cares?” Diego retorted.
“Uncalled for, Diego,” Allison muttered. “(Y/N), are you okay?”
“Fine,” I said, glaring at Diego before turning to walk away. It was clear I was getting no help from them.
I searched the entire Hargreeves estate to no avail. I knew there was no way Klaus would leave without telling me. He could be a space case sometimes, but he usually remembered to tell me things. Also, he was in the bath. How would he just get out of there and leave during all that commotion without coming to put clothes on? I’d know if he left, I was sure of it.
A thought popped into my head then: the car I had seen drive away. I rushed to Reginald’s office, the one place in the whole house I knew would have a pen and paper. I quickly wrote down the details of the car before I could forget, including the license plate number.
There has to be a way I can find this car, I thought.
But how?
Driving around town was a no go. It was too big of a town, too many places they could’ve gone or still be going to. It would take me hours, even days. Klaus might not have that long.
There was one option I could try.
I ran back down over the stairs just in time to catch Diego leaving. “Wait! Diego, wait, I need a favor.”
He paused at the door and turned to face me. “What’s in it for me?”
I rolled my eyes. “What, are you 12?”
“No, just a man who knows an opportunity when he sees it.”
“Do me this favor or I get Luther to super strength kick you in the nuts.”
“You wouldn’t.”
“Try me.”
He looked at me, as if trying to decide whether to call my bluff or not. After a few moments, he signed and said, “What do you want?”
“I need you to call your cop girlfriend.”
“Patch? Why?”
I couldn’t tell him my suspicions about Klaus’ disappearance. He’d never believe me. I had only properly met Klaus’ siblings a few days earlier, but I could already tell they thought very lowly of him. They would just brush off his sudden disappearance as him going off on a bender and not worry about it.
“I just need her help,” I responded instead. “Please Diego.”
He pulled his phone from his pocket and dialed Patch’s number. I thanked him profusely as I took his phone. It rang for a short while before Patch answered, “Diego, what do you w - ”
“Patch!” I cut her off. “Detective Patch, this is actually (Y/N), Diego’s brother’s girlfriend. I asked him to call you for me.”
“Oh, I remember you. You’re Klaus’ girlfriend. A little too stable for a guy like him.”
“Yeah, I’ve heard that before. Listen, I need a favor. I know this is a long shot because you don’t know me, but I needed a plate run on a car to try to find it. I assume cops can do that. Maybe I’m wrong, but it’s important. I - ” I looked over at Diego, who was looking down at his knives and clearly pretending he wasn’t listening. I lowered my voice to say, “I think something happened to Klaus.”
“If it’s something so serious you’re asking for police involvement, you may just want to file a report with the police.”
“No offence, but I don’t completely trust the cops to find him in time. I don’t even trust Klaus’ siblings and they have powers. Look, all I’m asking is any info you can find on this car, that’s it. Please Patch.”
There was a moment of silence. I expected her to say no. It was a big ask for her to do this for someone she didn’t even know. As far as I could tell, she didn’t even like Diego all that much right now. But I needed her to say yes. If she didn’t, I would already be at a severe disadvantage in finding Klaus before it was too late.
“Okay,” she said, finally. “Give me the information.”
I thanked her and gave her the details I had on the car. I also gave her my phone number so she’d call me and not Diego. I thanked Diego again as I gave him his phone back and went back to Klaus’ room to wait. There wasn’t much I could do until Patch got back to me about the car. If she couldn’t find any details about the car, I’d definitely be shit out of luck. I’d never find Klaus.
I paced up and down Klaus’ room. I kept looking out the window, as if the car would return and bring Klaus back safely. I could hear his siblings moving around the house, but not once coming to see where Klaus was. I knew Diego didn’t give a shit, but I thought maybe Allison or Vanya cared enough about their brother to be concerned when I said he was missing. Wishful thinking, I guess.
When my phone rang, I practically jumped out of my skin. I answered without checking the caller ID. “Hello?”
“I got your car,” came Patch’s voice. “And a location.”
Roughly 20 minutes later, I was parked outside of a motel. The car wasn’t in the parking lot, but Patch swore this was the last known location. It was dark and my body was starting to realize it hadn’t slept in well over 12 hours. But I pushed through it. I needed to find Klaus. I needed him to be alive and safe.
The car finally pulled into the lot nearly an hour later. All sleep immediately left my body as I sat up and watched intently. The car parked and a man and woman got out. They didn’t go around to the back of the car to take a third person out, so I could only assume that Klaus was already inside their room. I got out of my car, grabbing the crowbar I had taken as a weapon before starting to follow Klaus’ captors at a safe distance. They turned a corner and I paused to let them get far enough away to keep myself safe. When I peaked around the corner, they had gone into one of the rooms.
I silently crept down the block of rooms. There was only one room with the lights on, so it was easy to find where the assailants were. I peaked through the thin white curtains to see a figure tied to a chair between the two beds.
I could see his two captors stood facing him, side on to where I was but not able to see me. I couldn’t make out much as the curtains still blocked a lot of my vision.
I hadn’t thought this far ahead. What was the next step here? How did I get them out of the room long enough for me to save Klaus? Or how did I knock them out long enough?
They wouldn’t just answer the door if I knocked, would they?
I took the chance and knocked at the door. “Housekeeping!”
There was silence. I knew it was a long shot, but I had no other plan, and I wasn’t sure how much time I had.
I tried again, knocking three times and repeating, “Housekeeping!”
My heart jumped when I heard the doorknob turn and the door suddenly opened. A tall man with brown hair and a beard looked down at me. Realizing that I wasn’t housekeeping, he looked at me in confusion.
I smiled. “Hello.”
And then I swung my crowbar.
It connected with the side of his head, knocking him to the door. I was surprised by how little effort it took to take him down. Now, where’s the other one?
My question was quickly answered by the sound of gunshots. I dove behind the nearest bed as the woman stepped out of the bathroom, now wearing a mask and shooting at me as I fell to the ground. I should’ve known they’d have guns. I heard the gunshots when I was at the Hargreeves’ place. And yet I came with a crowbar in hand, something that I needed to be very close to the attackers in order to use.
I looked over to where the man was laying unconscious. His white button up shirt was tucked into his pants, revealing his own holster with the gun. I knew it was a bad idea, but I needed to get that gun. At least to try and defend myself from this lady attacker.
I inched forward slowly. She had stopped shooting at me, so I knew she was just waiting for me to come out from my hiding spot. I had a short period of time to try and grab the gun and dive back to where I was hiding before her bullets finally made connections with my body. I had to grab something to cover me, or at least that would hopefully cover me, long enough for me to get the gun.
I looked up to see the a large briefcase on the table behind me. It was a long shot, I’m pretty sure bullets can go through briefcases, but it was all that I had. I turned so my feet were facing towards the table and kicked it. The briefcase wobbled slightly, but didn’t move.
“Hey!” called the female attacker. “What are you doing?!”
I kicked the table again and the briefcase fell over, the handle facing outwards. I reached up and grabbed it, pulling it down just in time for another bullet to whiz past my hand.
“You’re not a very good shot,” I taunted.
I held the briefcase in front of my body as I scurried out from behind the bed towards the unconscious man. I heard more gunshots and, surprisingly, they ricocheted off the briefcase.
This thing must be maid of titanium or something. It can’t be a normal briefcase.
I fumbled with the latch on his holster as another shot ran out, bouncing off the briefcase again. My hands were shaking and my heart was pounding with adrenaline. I needed to get this thing off. I needed this to be a fair fight. When the latch finally popped free, I breathed a sigh of relief before taking the gun and diving back behind the bed, taking the briefcase with me. I had a feeling it was something important, and maybe I could exchange it for Klaus.
“Listen!” I called. “I’ve never dealt with all this shooting and kidnapping shit before. I’m not part of the Umbrella Academy, I don’t have powers, I’m just a normal person. I came here because I think you took my boyfriend and I want him back. Whatever you have against the Umbrella Academy I can assure you has nothing to do with Klaus. If you’d just give him up to me, I’ll give you back your briefcase and we’ll leave. I promise you we won’t interfere with whatever you have going on. Truthfully, I don’t even really like Klaus’ siblings right now, so if you want to go after them I won’t be standing in your way.”
There was silence. I was starting to get sick of this type of silence. Either agree or disagree with what I was saying. It wasn’t that deep to have to think about it for this long about my proposition.
Another gunshot rang out, so I took that as a no.
My hands were still shaking as I popped up from behind the bed and started blindly shooting. I had never handled a gun before. They were loud and extremely scary. I knew there was very little chance I would actually hit her, but maybe if I was lucky I’d get a good shot in and I could just take Klaus and run.
It didn’t take long for me to use up all of my bullets. I looked up to see that she was nowhere to be seen. I started to rise to my feet, hoping I had hit her and she was laying on the ground. But, of course, no such luck. The moment I stood, she came out of the bathroom again, gun lifted and aimed at me. My quick instincts were suddenly gone as I stared down the barrel of the gun that would undoubtably kill me. I wondered if Klaus’ siblings would find him before he joined me in my fate. I wondered if Diego would feel guilty for not listening to me when I asked him about Klaus being missing. If any of them would even feel somewhat remorseful for not saving me or Klaus in time.
Instead of another shot ringing out, though, the gun just clicked. Both of us looked at each other - well, I looked at her, her mask looked at me - dumbfounded. She tried again and got the same results. A laughed bubbled in my throat and escaped my lips before I could stop it.
Her gun had ran out of bullets, too.
She dropped the gun and lunged over the two beds towards me. She took my off guard long enough to knock me to the ground. I tried to swing at her, but her mask was just as hard as the briefcase was. I howled in pain as my fist collided with the mask for the first time, definitely shattering the bones in my hand. She seemed delighted by the fact that I was caught off guard again and punched me in the face. Pain exploded from my nose causing tears to well up into my eyes.
My crowbar was laying just inches away from me, next to the briefcase. Either one of those things would definitely work in this situation, but I had to hit her just right on the back of her head. It was obvious hitting the mask would only protect her. And I had to do it while she least expected it. If she knew what my plan was, she’d stop me in an instant and probably take me out with her own bare hands.
I stretched an arm out as she hit me again. The pain was almost unbearable. I’d have to get my nose and my hand looked at by a doctor I was sure, but for now I had to focus on surviving this attack and saving Klaus. I felt my fingers brush against one of the two potential weapons and closed them around it. I wasn’t sure which one I had grabbed, but it didn’t matter to me now. I grit my teeth against the pain and hissed out, “You should’ve taken my deal.”
I swung and the briefcase collided with the back of her head. She fell off of me, limp on the ground. I looked down at her to see blood forming on the back of her head. Knowing she was down for the count, I quickly stood and looked for where they could’ve hidden Klaus. It didn’t take long, though, as the silence finally fell over the room made it easier to hear the sound of muffled yelling coming from the closet. When I threw the doors open, I found Klaus, wrapped only in a towel and tied to the chair. His face was just as blood as mine was.
I nearly sobbed as I reached to take the tape off of his mouth.
“You found me,” he breathed.
“I wasn’t giving up until I did,” I said. “Come on, let’s get you out of here before they wake up.”
I undid his bindings and helped him to his feet. We started out of the room, but I paused to take my crowbar and the briefcase. I figured I could use some leverage if these assholes tried to come after us again.
We scurried across the parking lot to my car. My hand and nose were throbbing. I cradled my hand on my lap and drove with the other towards my house. I felt it was a better option than going back to the Hargreeves’ place. I didn’t want his siblings to see both of us all beat up and realize I had been right about Klaus’ disappearance. Not yet, anyways. I’d save the gloating for later.
When we got back to my place, I ran the shower for Klaus so he could clean himself up. I wrapped my hand in gauze from my first aid kit and held an icepack to my nose until the swelling went down. I then cleaned the blood from my face, careful not to accidentally bump my nose. I’d need to seek medical attention, but that was for a later time.
Klaus had clothes at my place, so I laid them out on my bed for him. Poor thing had been in just a towel for who knows how long.
When he came into my room, he paused at the door to look over me. He winced as he looked at my wrapped up hand. “Did they hurt you bad?”
“Well, this was me actually,” I said. “Those fucking masks were harder than I expected them to be. But she did break my nose. I’ll go see a doctor tomorrow. Did they hurt you bad?”
“No broken bones.” He took the clothes from my bed and changed into them. “I can’t believe you risked your life for me like that.”
“Of course I did. Why wouldn’t I? They took you and they were hurting you.”
“I have superhuman siblings, though.”
I shook my head. “Too wrapped up in themselves to even listen to me. There was no other choice than for me to come find you myself.”
Klaus climbed into bed next to me. I rolled onto my side to face him, and he did the same, propping himself up on his elbow as he did so.
“I can’t believe you knocked both of them out on your own,” he said. “I heard all that gunfire and thought for sure you were dead.”
“Well, the guy wasn’t too hard to take down. He answered the door with no mask on, so I just hit him with the crowbar I brought with me. The woman put up more of a fight. I was lucky she was dumb enough to empty her gun while trying to shoot me or else I likely would’ve been a goner.”
He looked over me again. There was a look in his eyes I couldn’t quite place. It was like a combination of things. Love was the one thing I was sure I was seeing.
“I can’t believe you came for me,” he said again.
I smiled and leaned closer to him. “I love you, Klaus. I’d do anything to make sure you were safe. That includes risking my life to go after two kidnappers with guns and titanium masks on my own to save you from them.”
Klaus smiled. Tears were welling up in his eyes. He pulled me the rest of the way forward, closing the gap between us to kiss me. I wrapped my arms around him, leaning forward into the kiss so the two of us were laying down. I winced briefly as my nose brushed against his, sending a slight pain through my face.
“Sorry,” Klaus said, his voice soft. “You need to get that fixed. I can’t just not kiss you.”
I giggled. “Tomorrow, I promise. We need to rest now, though. We both had quite the night.”
As if finally realizing how tired he was, Klaus yawned and nodded. I settled into the bed next to him, cuddling into his chest. I could hear his heart beating as he drifted off to sleep. I used it as a reminder that he was there, that I had saved him, as my adrenaline finally wore off and I finally fell asleep.
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imyourbratzdoll ¡ 1 year ago
Can you do Robert Sheehan frenemies to lovers? Maybe they are co stars and shooting cherrybomb? Because that era was HOT
hi! I've never seen the film, so I hope you like it!
summary - you have an annoyingly attractive co-star and things get slightly heated in your trailer.
the gif I use isn't mine, divider by @newlips (deactivated)
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Why did you have to work with him? He annoyed you with his good looks and his stupidly attractive voice. You sit, sipping on your coffee as you watch the scene play out before you. A frown rests on your lips as in between cuts Robert would look over at you and wink. You scoff, standing and walking toward your trailer, you were going to wait inside until you had to do your scene. 
You flop down onto the couch, sighing as you rub your face. “Why couldn’t I film with someone else? Why him?” 
“Don’ know, love. But I’m sure glad I’m filmin’ with ya!” His Irish accent filled the room, you groaned and removed your hands from your face. It had been like this since the first day, you’d bicker and then act friendly, most of the bickering came from your side because if you didn’t, you’d end up falling for him and Robert loved to push your buttons. “Now why did ya leave? Was just getting to the good part of the scene!” 
“Ugh, what are you doing here? Don’t you see that I’m trying to get away from you.” You stand, moving toward the tiny kitchen area and you lean against the counter, anything to put some space between you two. Your eyes roll and a huff escapes you when he moves closer, a smirk on his cute face. 
“I’m here to see ya! You left so quickly, but I didn’ mind watching ya cute self walk away!” His eyes move up and down your body, continuing to smirk as your face flushes. 
“Stop it. Now, you gotta go. I have to get ready for my scene and I can’t have you messing with my head.” You move forward, about to move around him when he stops you, arms caging you in and he leans down. 
“How bout ya make me, sweetness.” You can feel his breath against your lips, his pretty eyes making you melt. “Hmm, I see how ya look at me. I bet ya won't’ stop me if I kiss ya, huh?” You whine as his lips brush against yours, pulling you in until he suddenly pulls back and backs away. “Welp, gotta go! See ya on set, love!”
What the hell just happened?
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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jupiter-letters ¡ 10 months ago
Dating Number 4/ Klaus Hargreeves would include☂️👻:
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Fem! or GN! Reader TW: Brief mentions of addiction
A/N: I started Umbrella Academy a week ago and I’m obsessed, I’m almost done with season 3 and I can’t wait for season 4. I’d managed to fall in love with Robert Sheehan all over again and all that love has to go somewhere so here it is.
Waking up to little peppered kisses on your back and up your torso. If you don’t open your eyes he’ll just start blowing raspberries into your neck and on your face. Once he hears you laughing he’ll stop and flip you over. He likes being the first thing you see when you wake up. Some days are a little more peaceful and less silly, you wake to see him still asleep. A mess of curls and smudged glitter eyeshadow is the first thing you see. He’s at such peace and the most still you’ll ever see him. 
Putting makeup on each other, whether it’s going out or just playing around with new looks it doesn’t matter. Being able to experiment with new colors and combinations with each other is so much fun. On date nights you’ll pick outfits for each other, sometimes even just wearing each other’s clothes. Doing things like this with him leads to doing most things together. 
Why have him do things when you can do it for him? Or even with him? He loves having you wash his hair. Showers, baths? Of course we have to both be in there at the same time! Klaus is so touch starved any reason to spend time together he’ll take it,an added bonus is your company keeps the spirits away. 
You’re always in close proximity to each other, so your skin is always touching. Klaus just can’t get enough, physical touch becomes his middle name. He’s a natural affectionate person but just having you near is very grounding for him. 
He’ll draw on you with little glitter pens he carries in his pocket, he likes to call you his “canvas and his muse.” Even without the pens he’ll trace random shapes and words onto your arm or your back when you both lie in bed. Klaus also likes to play with your fingers when he’s bored.
Kissing!! He’s such a fiend for kissing my god, after that first kiss he’s finished. He always says he wants just one but it ends up escalating to a full on make out sesh. Doesn’t matter if you’re public or not you look too good it’d be a crime not to kiss you. Klaus doesn’t really give a damn about public embarrassment, if you wanted him to he’d run through central park naked, he would.
 Once he knows you’re ok with all the random bursts of affection he really piles it on. Neck kisses, shoulder kisses, nose kisses, not one day goes by where he doesn’t kiss you. He kisses like he wants to devour you, if he wasn’t able to kiss you that’d be hell on Earth. If you’re a fan of random kisses at the most inappropriate times he’s a professional. You’re driving, he’s gonna make out with you. Out shopping, kissing! Right now! Doctor’s appointment? Kisses under your jaw in the waiting room, he can’t help it, he's bored.
Helping him get clean, you and Ben have been pretty good influences in his life. Trying to keep him on the straight and narrow for the sake of his health. He wants to be present for you, he wants to be able to remember the things you do together. You help him find fun things to do without getting drugs involved. Taking your time and being patient with him means the world to him. He loves his siblings but they aren’t the best at helping him with it. They do try a little harder when you come around seeing how serious you are about helping him. You stay awake with him when his nightmares get too bad or when the withdrawal is really wearing him down. If it’s the ghosts that are bothering him you just tell them to piss off.(he really appreciates that)
Klaus begins to teach himself new skills to help you out around the house, cooking, cleaning you name it. He doesn’t do it very well but you appreciate the effort anyway. Chores become another activity for you both to do. He’ll even indulge in some of your hobbies just for the fun of it. 
Tattoos! He gets something on his wrist that reminds him of you, he can’t wait to show you too. If you get one related to him, god forbid a little number 4 on you he’ll cry. He does eventually tell you about the rest of his journey in Vietnam and Dave. Klaus wants to be sure you know he won’t compare you to him, He’ll always love Dave but he doesn’t love you any less. He’ll get really shy if you kiss his hand tattoos, there aren’t a lot of ways to fluster him so that’s a good one. 
Being surrounded by death and destruction most of his life really makes him appreciate what you have. The way you indulge in his antics and impulses makes Klaus feel so seen. You don’t feel real to him sometimes; late at night he’ll just lay his head on your chest and listen to your heart beating. 
When some crazy new developments or drama happens in his family you’re first to know. Luther tells him something very personal and secret and 15 mins later he’s calling you on the mansion’s phone. 
Luther: “This stays between us Klaus I mean it…” Klaus: “Of course Lulu I wouldn’t dream of telling anyone you’re dirty little secret” A few moments later… Klaus: “Babe you’ll never believe what Luther just told me!”
He’ll always be looking at you, wherever you are and whatever you’re doing you have his full attention. Klaus will just be gazing at you lovingly while five is trying to talk to him, eventually he’ll just ignore him and go to talk to you. You're his favorite person to talk to; he never gets bored with you.
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Thanks for reading! Lemme know what you think. Please like or reblog if you like my stuff.
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bey0nd-1he-stars ¡ 7 months ago
Okay the final season of The umbrella academy isn’t the best written thing I’ve seen but the acting on the other hand-
Gold stars to all of them, holy shit
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nolovelingers ¡ 1 month ago
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CALL ME ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ nathan young
⋆ ★ when you’re found vandalizing a nearby alleyway it isn’t just police officers you steal the attention of.
cw ᝰ.ᐟ sfw ,, swearing ,, fem!reader ,, alcohol ,, running from the cops ,, nathans not slick at all
PURPOSELY LOWERCASE 🎧 &&. written on iphone , sorry if funky format !
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the alley was narrow and dank, the kind of place where the sun rarely pierced the gloom. the walls were covered in a patchwork of graffiti, the once-vibrant colors now faded and dull. the air hung heavy with the stench of rotting garbage and stale piss. empty beer bottles and crumpled fast food wrappers littered the grimy concrete, crunching underfoot with each step.
at the far end of the alley, a single flickering streetlamp cast a sickly yellow glow, barely illuminating anything. the sound of distant traffic and muffled laughter from a nearby pub drifted in, a stark contrast to the eerie silence that permeated this forgotten corner of the city.
brick walls loomed on either side, their jagged edges crumbling and sharp. the uneven cobblestones beneath your feet were slick with a mixture of rainwater and god knows what else, the slick surface glinting under the yellow glow of a single flickering streetlamp.
your heart raced as you scrawled a crude, lewd drawing on the wall with a can of spray paint, tongue poking out the side of your mouth in concentration. the harsh, acrid scent of the paint filled your nostrils, making your eyes water. you were just putting the final touches on your masterpiece when the sound of heavy footsteps echoed through the alley.
two burly, uniformed figures emerged from the shadows, their silhouettes growing larger and more menacing as they approached. your breath caught in your throat as one of them, a beefy man with a thick mustache, barked out a command.
"oi, you there! what d’ya think you're doing, you little tart?"
your instincts screamed at you to run, and without a second thought, you dropped the spray can and bolted. your heart hammered against your ribs as you sprinted down the alley, hair whipping behind you.
the cops gave chase, their heavy boots pounding against the ground, growing louder and closer with each passing second. your lungs burned as you ran, chest heaving with the effort. you could hear them shouting behind you, their voices tinged with anger and frustration.
your heart pounded like a drum in your ears as you tore out of the alley, lungs screaming for air. the cool night breeze whipped past your face, moving strands of your hair across your eyes. you blinked away the obstruction, gaze fixed straight ahead as you raced along the dimly lit sidewalk.
the bustling streets of london blurred past you, the neon signs and flickering streetlamps a kaleidoscope of color. the distant wail of a police siren sent a jolt of fear through your spine, spurring you on to run faster. your feet slapped against the pavement, the sound echoing in the narrow gap between towering buildings.
up ahead, a tall, lanky figure leaned against a wall, his posture casual and relaxed. he was dressed in a tattered flannel, his curly brown hair disheveled and falling into his eyes. as you sprinted closer, he glanced up, his gaze flicking over to you with a mix of curiosity and amusement.
nathan watched the girl racing towards his direction, her face etched with panic and fear. he could hear the heavy footsteps and shouted orders of the cops hot on her heels. a slow, mischievous grin spread across his face as an idea took shape. he pushed off from the wall, falling into step beside the fleeing girl.
"oi, love," nathan called out, his voice tinged with a thick Irish accent. "looks like yer in a bit of a pickle, yeah? need a hand?"
he gestured to a narrow alleyway branching off the main street, hidden in the shadow of a crumbling brick archway. "there's a way out back there, if ye want it. might be a tight squeeze, but it beats getting caught by those blokes." he jerked his thumb back towards the alley, his grin widening. "fancy a detour?"
y/n’s eyes flicked to Nathan, taking in his disheveled appearance and the mischievous glint in his eyes. you hesitated for a split second, heart still pounding wildly in your chest. the sound of the cops grew louder, their shouts more insistent, urging you to make a decision.
biting your lip, you nodded jerkily, a flicker of relief and gratitude in your eyes. "aye, alright then. lead the way," you gasped out, words punctuated by ragged breaths.
nathan's grin widened. "right this way, miss," he spoke with a note of mocking formality in his voice. he led you down the narrow passageway. the alley twisted and turned, a labyrinth of shadowy corridors and hidden nooks. nathan navigated it with ease, clearly familiar with the secret paths and shortcuts. you followed close behind, heart gradually slowing as the sounds of the pursuing cops faded into the distance.
finally, after what felt like an eternity, you emerged into a small, walled-off courtyard. a single streetlamp cast a feeble glow over the space, illuminating a few rusted metal chairs and a overturned crate that served as makeshift seating.
nathan turned to face you, his hands shoved into the pockets of his jacket. "there we are. safe and sound." he cocked an eyebrow at you, a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth.
"cheers," you panted out, a hint of a grin on your face. "i owe you one."
the boy raised an eyebrow, looking you up and down, taking in your disheveled appearance and the adrenaline still sparkling in your eyes. "aye, you do," he agreed. "so, what's a pretty little thing like you doing, getting yerself into trouble with the coppers? guessing it's not yer first time, yeah?"
you held your breath. you could feel the heat radiating off his body, could smell the strong scent of cigarette smoke and something uniquely him.
you leaned against the rough brick wall, catching your breath as you eyed nathan warily. you werent in the mood for idle chatter, especially not with a complete stranger. all you wanted was a moment to collect yourself.
nathan, however, seemed undeterred by your look of lack of enthusiasm. he didn’t wait for you to reply, instead taking a step closer, his gaze roaming over you appraisingly. "you've got a pair of lungs on ye, sprinting like that." he chuckled, a low, gravelly sound.
you rolled your eyes, pushing off from the wall and moving to brush past him. "cheers for the help, but im not really in the mood for a chat," you muttered, voice still slightly breathless.
nathan matched your stride easily, falling into step beside you. "aw, don't be like that, love. just trying to be friendly." he grinned, undeterred by your cool reception. "names nathan, by the way."
he extended a hand towards you, waiting for you to introduce yourself in return. "and you are...?" he prompted, his tone laced with curiosity.
“not interested.”
nathan's grin faltered slightly at your blunt refusal, but he quickly recovered, a stubborn glint entering his eyes. he was used to people pushing him away, but something about this girl intrigued him. maybe it was the fire in your eyes or the way you carried yourself with a defiant tilt to your chin.
"ouch, not interested, eh?" nathan said with a dramatic clutch to his chest. "well, can't say i blame ye. im not everyone's cup of tea." he shrugged, his grin returning. "but still, a bloke can try his luck, can't he? especially with a bird as pretty as you."
he took another step closer, invading your personal space. up close you could see the flecks of gold in his green eyes and the dusting of freckles across his nose and cheeks. "come on, don't be like that," nathan cajoled, his voice dropping to a low murmur. "i saved yer sweet little arse, didn't i? the least ye could do is tell me yer name. unless..."
he trailed off, his gaze dipping to your lips before flicking back up to meet your eyes. "yer hiding something? got a price on yer head or something?"
his tone was playful, teasing, but there was a hint of something else beneath the surface. a glimmer of genuine curiosity.
your eyes narrowed and you crossed your arms over your chest. "im not in the habit of spilling my guts to just anyone who comes along," you said, voice sharp and clipped.
nathan had the decency to look mildly offended, but the gleam in his eye never wavered.
"oi, im not just anyone," he protested, his tone playful and mocking. "im a hero, remember? i saved you from the clutches of the law." he struck a dramatic pose, one hand over his heart, the other outstretched as if to ward off an imaginary foe.
you snorted, rolling your eyes so hard it was a wonder they didn't get stuck. "a hero? is that what you call it?" you scoffed. "i call it a bloke with too much time on his hands and a penchant for pissing people off."
his grin only widened at the insult, clearly amused by your demeanor. "guilty as charged," he admitted, not sounding the least bit repentant. "but still, i think that earns me a wee more than a curt 'not interested'. don't you, love?"
he cocked his head to the side, studying you with a critical eye. "tell you what, how about a drink? i know a cracking pub just around the corner. my treat, of course. what do you say, fancy a pint?" he jerked his thumb over his shoulder, indicating the direction of the establishment.
you hesitated, biting your lower lip as you considered the offer. a drink did sound nice, and it would give you a chance to relax. plus, there was something about this guy that both irritated and intrigued you.
"fine," you relented with a put-upon sigh. “but dont think this means anything, yeah? i just need a minute to get my head together."
nathans grin widened into a triumphant smile, his eyes sparkling with amusement and a hint of something more intense. "scout's honor," he declared, holding up a hand in a mock salute. "i won't read too much into it.”
he added with a wink, “well, maybe a little.”
he stepped back, gesturing for you to lead the way out of the courtyard. "ladies first, of course. can't have you tripping and falling into my arms." his tone was teasing, but there was an undercurrent of sincerity in his words.
you rolled your eyes, but a reluctant smile tugged at your lips as you brushed past him. "cheeky git," you muttered under your breath, but the insult lacked its usual bite.
as you emerged onto the bustling london street, nathan fell into step beside you, his long strides easily matching your quicker pace. the pub he'd mentioned was indeed just around the corner, a cozy-looking establishment with a warm glow spilling from its windows and the muffled sound of conversation and laughter drifting out into the night.
nathan held open the door for her, a gallant gesture that seemed at odds with his rough exterior. "after you, my lady," he said, a note of mock formality in his voice.
you hesitated for a moment before ducking inside, the warmth and noise enveloping you like a blanket. the pub was filled with an assortment of patrons, from the after-work crowd still in their suits and ties to the more casual regulars who looked like they'd been there since opening time.
nathan led you to a small table in the corner, the worn wood smooth and slightly sticky beneath your fingers. "what's your poison?" he asked, signaling the barmaid with a jerk of his chin.
you thought for a moment before answering. "whiskey, neat. double."
nathan raised an eyebrow but nodded, relaying the order to the barmaid. a few minutes later, two tumblers of amber liquid appeared on the table, the glass warming in your hands.
he watched as you took a swig of your whiskey, eyes watering slightly at the burn. he couldn't help but chuckle, shaking his head. "bloody hell, yer a proper little firecracker, aren't ye?" he remarked, taking a swig of his own drink. "most birds can't handle the hard stuff."
you shot him a withering look, but there was a glimmer of amusement in your eyes. "im not most birds," you retorted, voice sharp. you finished your whiskey in a matter of seconds, purely determined to prove him wrong.
nathan leaned back in his chair, a smirk playing on his lips. "no, you certainly are not," he agreed, his gaze roaming over you appraisingly.
you felt a blush creep up your neck at his bold once-over, but you held his gaze steadily. "and you're a right cheeky bastard," you shot back, voice laced with laughter. "do you always talk to girls like this, or am i just lucky?"
nathan's grin widened, his eyes glinting with mischief. "oh, yer lucky, alright," he said, his voice a low murmur. "not every girl can handle my particular brand of charm."
he leaned forward, invading your personal space just a little. "but yer not like other girls, are ye, baby?" his voice dropped to a husky whisper on the last word, his gaze dipping to your lips before flicking back up to meet your eyes.
you rolled your eyes, but a smirk tugged at the corner of your mouth. "you're bloody right I'm not," you retorted, leaning back in your chair and crossing your arms. "im not one of your little airheads who fall all over themselves for a pretty face and a silver tongue."
nathan gasped, a hand clutched to his chest. "pretty face? i thought you said I was a right cheeky bastard," he said, a note of playful indignation in his voice.
you snorted, shaking your head. "cheeky and pretty. dangerous combination.”
his grin widened. "dangerous for who, love? cause i have to say, yer not exactly a shrinking violet yerself." he finished his whiskey, his gaze never leaving yours.
he signaled the barmaid, pointing to your empty glasses and holding up two fingers. you watched as she nodded, disappearing to fetch your refills.
turning back to you, nathan leaned forward, his elbows on the table and his chin propped up on his hands.
you matched his grin with a smirk of your own. "takes one to know one," you shot back, eyes sparkling. "besides, im not the one who dragged a complete stranger through a dodgy alley and then invited them for a drink."
nathan held up his hands in mock surrender. a laugh escaped him. "but in my defense, i didn't drag you. you came willingly."
you shook your head, a reluctant smile tugging at your lips. "aye, because you gave me no choice," you said, but there was no real bite to your words.
he leaned forward, his elbows on the table, face mere inches from yours. "ah, but that's the thing. you had a choice. you could have told me no. yet you chose to come with me. why do ye think that is?" his voice was a low murmur, his eyes searching yours.
a sudden flush crept up your neck and spread across your cheeks at nathan's intense scrutiny and the low, intimate tone of his voice. you werent used to men looking at you like this, with such blatant interest and something more. something you couldn't quite put your finger on. it made you feel flustered and off-balance, two things you hated being.
"i...shut up," your voice came out more breathless than intended. the barmaid returns with the drinks, placing them down on the table and you quickly took another gulp of your whiskey, hoping the burn would hide the sudden heat in your face.
nathan's grin widened at your flustered reaction, and he leaned back in his chair, looking far too pleased with himself. "thats not very polite, love," he teased, his eyes dancing with amusement. "here i am, being all charming and witty, and ye want me to shut up?"
you glared at him, but the effect was ruined by the blush still staining your cheeks. "youre impossible," you muttered.
he just laughed, the sound rich and warm in the noisy pub. "aye, but you like it," he said, a note of smugness in his voice.
he reached out, plucking your glass from in front of you and taking a deep swig of your whiskey. you watched, eyebrows shooting up.
"cheeky bastard," you muttered, but there was no real heat behind the words. you reached for your glass, only to find it empty. "hey, i was drinking that! you’ve still got your own, dickhead."
nathan shrugged, a look of feigned innocence on his face. "looked like ye needed a top-up," he said, his tone placating. he reached out, grabbing his own glass this time and swiftly finishing his beverage in one go.
you snorted, shaking your head. "i don't need you to tell me what i need," you retorted, but you couldn't quite suppress the smile tugging at your lips.
nathan’s grin widened, "no, i suppose ye don't," he agreed, pushing the empty glass towards you. "but im more than happy to provide, if you'll let me."
he waved his hand once again, gesturing for a refill. “like, how ye definitely need a third drink.”
the barmaid appeared with a fresh round, placing the glasses on the table with a friendly smile. you eyed the liquid, knowing you should probably slow down. but the warmth of the whiskey and the buzz of the conversation had you feeling more relaxed than you had in a long time.
you picked up the glass, swirling the liquid around before taking a sip. the alcohol burned your throat, but you welcomed the sensation, letting it chase away the lingering adrenaline from your narrow escape earlier.
nathan watched her over the rim of his own glass, a thoughtful expression on his face.
you could feel his gaze on you, heavy and intense. you glanced up to find him watching you, eyes dark and unreadable in the dim light of the pub. a faint blush colored his cheeks, a rare sight on a man who seemed to wear his confidence like a second skin.
the moment stretched between them, the noise of the pub fading into the background. your heart stuttered in your chest, a sudden fluttering sensation that caught you off guard. you werent used to this. the way nathan looked at you like you were the only thing that mattered in the world.
"what?" you asked softly, voice barely above a whisper. "why are you looking at me like that?"
nathan blinked, seeming to come back to himself. he shook his head slightly, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "like what?" he asked, his voice a low murmur.
you shrug, taking another sip of whiskey to hide your own sudden nervousness. "i don't know. like you're trying to figure me out or something," your gaze dropped to the table.
he was silent for a moment, and you could feel the weight of his stare on her face. "maybe i am," he said finally, his voice thoughtful.
glancing up at nathan, your brows furrow slightly. "and why would you want to do a thing like that?" you asked, with a note of genuine curiosity.
the curly haired boy was silent for a long moment, his gaze never leaving yours. when he spoke, his voice was low and earnest, a stark contrast to his usual teasing tone. "because you’re not like anyone ive ever met before," he said simply.
you felt a fierce blush spreading across your cheeks at his earnest words, the heat of it making you suddenly warm. you werent used to such straightforward compliments.
fustered, you drained the last of your whiskey and set the glass down with a slightly shaky hand. "i...i should probably go," you said, standing up abruptly. "its getting late."
nathan's brows arched slightly at your sudden movement, but he stood as well. "late? its not even midnight yet," he pointed out, a note of disappointment in his voice. "i thought we were getting to know each other."
you shook your head, grabbing your jacket and slinging it over your shoulder. "aye, well, im not used to staying out this late," you said, avoiding his gaze. "i have an early start tomorrow."
it was a lie, and they both knew it. you had no plans for the next day, but you suddenly felt overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment. by the way nathan was looking at you with those dark, unreadable eyes. you needed to get some distance, to clear your head and make sense of the strange fluttering sensation in your stomach.
the brunette was silent for a moment, a flicker of something indecipherable in his gaze. then he nodded slowly, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "alright then," he said, his voice a low murmur. "let me walk you home then, yeah? cant have ye getting into more trouble without me around to bail you out, can i?"
with reluctance, you accepted his offer, nodding your head appreciatively. you, after all, would never object to having company during a walk at night.
as you stepped out into the cool night air, nathan fell besides you. the streets were quieter now, the after-work crowds long gone and the late-night revelers yet to emerge.
"well, this is cozy," nathan remarked, glancing around at the narrow, twisting streets. "i feel like im in a bloody episode of sherlock holmes or something."
you snorted, shaking your head. "aye, welcome to the real london," you said, a smirk tugging at your lips. "not all glitter and glamour like in the movies."
he laughed, a rich sound that seemed to echo off the close-set buildings. "no, but there's a certain charm to it," he said, a note of sincerity in his voice. "a gritty, unpretentious charm."
you walked on in comfortable silence for a few moments before nathan spoke again, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "you know, i never did catch your name earlier," he said, a teasing lilt to his voice. "only fair, since ive dragged you halfway across london."
you rolled your eyes, but you couldn't quite suppress the smile that tugged at your mouth. "its y/n," you said, a hint of reluctance in your voice.
"y/n," nathan repeated, trying out the name on his tongue. "pretty name for a pretty girl," a grin spread across his face. "im glad i saved you tonight, y/n. among other things."
you couldn't help but blush at his flirtatious words, ducking your head to hide the sudden heat in your cheeks. "aye, well, im glad you were there too," you admitted, a note of grudging honesty in your voice.
you continued walking, the night air cool and crisp against your skin. nathan couldn't help but steal glances at you as they strolled, admiring the way your hair caught the faint light.
"so, tell me something about yerself, y/n," there was genuine curiosity in his voice. "besides your knack for getting into trouble and your impressive whiskey tolerance."
you thought for a moment before answering, a wry smile on your face. "im an artist," there was a hint of pride in your voice. "i paint, mostly. landscapes and portraits, that sort of thing."
nathan's eyes widened in surprise, a note of admiration in his voice. "an artist, eh? thats impressive," he said, a grin spreading across his face. "id love to see yer work sometime. maybe ye could paint me, capture me rugged good looks." he winked, a teasing lilt to his voice.
shaking your head, you responded. "and i suppose you want me to paint you as some sort of brooding, byronic hero?" you shot back, a smirk playing on your lips.
nathan racked his brain for a response as you walked on, but your curiosity beat him and you glanced over at him, a curious expression on your face. "so, what about you then?" you asked.
nathan was silent for a moment, considering your question. "well, as you can probably tell, im not exactly yer average bloke," there was a wry smile on his face. "ive got a bit of a...gift. call it what you will, but it's made my life a right bloody adventure."
he paused, glancing down at y/n with a mischievous grin. "but im not supposed to talk about it."
just then, they turned a corner and your flat came into view. you want to press further but decide against it. you stop abruptly, pointing to the modest brick building. "there we are," you said, a note of finality in your voice. "home sweet home."
nathan looked up at the building, a slow grin spreading across his face. “nice gaff," he complimented, a hint of approval in his tone. "not bad for a birdie who likes to play fast and loose with the law."
he turned to face you, hands shoved into the pockets of his jeans. "well, this is where I leave you, love," there was a note of reluctance in his voice. "unless...ye want to invite me in for a nightcap?" he winked, a teasing lilt to his tone.
"i don't think so," you spoke finally, shaking your head. "but..." you paused, a mischievous glint in your eye. quickly, you reached into your back pocket and pulled out a sharpie, grabbing nathan's arm before he could protest.
with a few swift strokes, you scrawled your phone number in bold, graffiti-like font across his forearm, followed by the words "CALL ME" in capital letters.
"there," a smirk visibly showed itself on your face. "now you have no excuse not to ring me up and take me out properly."
nathan glanced down at his arm, a grin spreading across his face as he read the words. he looked back up at you, a note of admiration in his eyes. "well, well, well," he said, a chuckle escaping his lips. "i thought ye wanted to get rid of me, not give me an excuse to see ye again."
with a final wink, he stepped back, giving you a small bow. "until next time then, love," a grin played on his lips. "watch yerself, yeah?"
and with that, he turned and walked away, leaving you standing alone outside your flat, a blush on your cheeks and a sudden flutter of anticipation in your chest.
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` ੈ˚ ★ a / n : me writing this for me and the remaining 11 nathan young fans left ….. it’s ok i mostly wrote this for myself 💜💜
started 1.15.2025. finished 1.17.2025.
©️ nolovelingers 2025
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winter-seance ¡ 2 years ago
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Summer of the Flying Saucer (2008)
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super-unpredictable98 ¡ 2 years ago
Oh that's lovely. Can you do Klaus Hargreeves falling for a Johanna Constantine kind of reader while working with her? (She is an exorcist , an excellent demon hunter on hire , is a beautiful mixture of selfish, selfless , self-hating , self important and I feel mirrors Klaus but is not his female version if you get what I mean) Love ya 🤧
Not So Haunted | The Umbrella Academy AU
Pairing: Klaus x Reader
Word Count: 1,1 k
Warning: Strong language, alcohol
a/n: Thank you for the request, I hope I was able to capture the character you imagined. I'll admit I was not familiar with this idea, but I did my best to make it come true and I hope you like it <3
You were already used to the creepy houses, the creaking doors, the dark rooms. It was your job after all, to go to these haunted houses and cleanse them so some hipster could remodel them and tell all of his friends he lives in a house where there's a ghost but without having to deal with an actual ghost. 
"God, but this place is a dump..." you mumbled to yourself. 
"I don't think it's that bad," you heard a voice and looked around trying to find the source. Spirits could be vocal, even though they usually didn't straight up talk to you like that. 
But there was no ghost, there was a man. He was tall and slender, wearing a long coat with a furry collar. His leather pants were as tight as they get, his eyeliner was smudged, black nail polish chipped from his nails, and he wore a top that could only be described as slutty. 
"Excuse me, what are you doing here? Something tells me you're not the owner," you quirked an eyebrow at him. 
"This place has an owner? I could've sworn it was abandoned... I just came here to get high in peace." 
"It was just bought by some guy who wants to flip it and resell it. But first I need to clean it up."
"So you're the maid."
"I'm the exorcist."
The man's mouth fell open and he nodded, finally understanding what was going on. He held his hands up almost like you had a gun pointed at him and you tilted your head seeing those tattoos on his palms. Maybe with a better light, you'd be able to see he was quite attractive.
"That's why this place is so weird," he sighed, relieved to be intoxicated and not having to deal with the spirits. "I'm Klaus, by the way."
"Y/n," you held out your hand for him to shake, but he kissed it instead. Despite his affectations, he was quite sweet.
"So, y/n, can I interest you in a drink?"
Klaus held up a bottle of whiskey already half empty, and you thought for a moment. You were strictly against drinking while working, but... he was so intriguing, you didn't wanna blow him off and miss the opportunity to have a conversation and unveil his mysteries. 
"Why not?" 
After a while, you were both laughing and talking like old friends. Alcohol has that sort of power. The house didn't seem scary anymore when the lights were on and you were both sitting on the floor sharing that drink. It was just a silly house with some spirits in it, nothing you were not both used to.
"So, you hear these spirits and all that shit and that doesn't freak you out?" Klaus asked after taking a large sip.
"Not really, I'm sorta used to it and it gives me money. I think it's a pretty cool talent actually," you shrugged.
"Well, I think it's a nightmare. These ghosts are horrifying, I hate seeing them, I hate hearing them, I hate when they ask me to finish their unfinished business. I'm not a fucking mailman, it's exhausting!"
"Is that why you're like this? You're constantly drinking and God knows what else to drown out the voices?" you asked.
"Yeah... I gotta stay high all the time, to keep them off my mind," he sang, slurring a little bit from all the whiskey.
You laughed, taking the bottle from him to drink some as well. Even though you knew good decisions never came from drinking too much, you couldn't help but want to get that buzz and show him you were also interesting and cool. You wanted to make bad decisions if they would lead you closer to him. 
"So, what else do you do besides exorcisms? Any hobbies, interests, dates..." he casually asked.
You swallowed before answering, it had been a long time since you thought about dates. Not that you were saving yourself for someone special, but you also didn't want anything to do with the assholes that crossed your path. 
"I like... movies?" you laughed.
"Movies? Oh, come on! This is the most cliche thing ever, everybody likes movies. Give me something real!"
"Fine! I don't really know, when you put me on the spot like this I get nervous and I don't know what to say."
"Do I make you nervous then?" Klaus smirked and you looked away, trying not to think about his penetrating gaze locked on you. 
"Someone thinks highly of themselves. I'm way out of your league," you scoffed playfully.
"That's cause you haven't seen me with my clothes off yet," he teased. 
"I gather you're single?"
"Always, relationships haven't been really my thing. I liked someone a long time ago, but it didn't work out."
It wasn't hard to understand why he would open up to someone he just met half an hour ago about things he was hesitant to talk about with everyone else in his life. There was nothing to lose, someone from the outside wouldn't judge and if they did, it wouldn't matter as much. 
"I'm sorry it didn't work out. I'm sure you have no shortage of people interested in you though," you said before you could stop yourself. 
"You really think so?" he grinned smugly, knowing damn well how attractive he was. "Would you get in line?"
"You wish!"
Klaus took a bit of a chance and leaned over, pressing his lips against yours. You could taste the alcohol on his tongue, but also something sweet, you couldn't quite put your finger on it, but you liked it. 
"Oookay, we just met and you already interrupted my work to get me drunk, asked me all sorts of questions, and now you kissed me?" you tried to hide how much you wanted to keep going. "How am I supposed to concentrate on the cleanse now?"
"Sorry, but I think I waited long enough, usually at the club I don't even have all this talk, we drink and get down to business."
"Wow, romantic."
"I didn't peg you for a romantic type."
"That just shows how little you know me then."
Klaus bit his lip, watching how red your cheeks had gotten and it felt like a victory to him.  
"If I help you cleanse this house, will you go out with me?" he asked.
"I thought you hated the ghosts."
"I do, but it's worth it sometimes. So, will you?"
"Why do you even wanna go out with me?"
"You're nice and funny and your face makes me wanna smile."
Those peeks at his sweet side melted down your walls and you couldn't say no. "It's a date."
"See? I knew you liked me."
Tag List: @elliethesuperfruitlover @salvador-daley @seanfalco @firstpersonnarrator
133 notes ¡ View notes
salvador-daley ¡ 2 years ago
Chained ⛓️ NEW CHAPTER
A Klaus Hargreeves murder mystery
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A/N: Greetings, mystery fans! This chapter is a lot longer than previous chapters because it’s a pretty important one plot-wise. I hope the wait was worth it. Oh, by the way, did I mention Allison turns up in this fic? 🫢😮
We are so close to the end now I can almost taste it. Please share your thoughts, feelings and theories in the comments! 💚💚
Special thanks to @allisoooon for the highly sexual textual art - I love it (and you) so much!
CW: Drug abuse and other typical Klaus stuff
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Snippet from Chapter 29: Family
“Hi, sis!” Klaus tries, giving her a little finger wave which he hopes comes across as cute and endearing.
Allison says nothing, continuing to stare at him. It’s a powerful tactic.
“Okay, I know what you’re thinking. And I’m sorry, okay? For whatever it is you’re still mad about.”
“You know the fact that there’s more than one possible option of things to be mad about isn’t a good sign, right?”
Klaus lets out an exasperated sigh. She was never going to make this easy. “All right, all right. I’m sorry about the car. And the curtains. And the time I let your dog get run over by that motorbike. And the magazine…”
Allison cuts him off. Her jaw appears to harden even more. “You told them my hair comes from Russian corpses.”
“It doesn’t?” Klaus asks with a blink.
Allison purses her lips together. “No.”
So that’s the thing she’s still mad about. At least they’re making progress.
“Gee, Allison, come on…”
“You also told them I’d had work done,” she spits.
“Well, I didn’t think they’d believe me! You’re so naturally pretty, everyone knows that.”
That last comment elicits the slightest flutter of her eyelashes - almost imperceptible. But it’s a sign that Klaus is wearing her down, chipping away at her defenses. If there’s one thing Allison can’t resist, it’s a compliment.
He takes a step forward. “Look, I’m sorry, sis. It was a stupid, selfish thing to do. But I was broke and I needed the money. If you let me in, I promise I’ll make it up to you. And I won’t break any of your antique furniture or steal any of your fancy knick-knacks, I swear.”
Klaus gives her a reluctant nod. “And I won’t put magic mushrooms in the punch bowl. Scout’s honour,” he adds with a salute. He takes another step towards her, closing the distance and offering his arms out. “Come on, I’ve missed you, sis.”
“I’ve missed you too,” she admits, if somewhat begrudgingly. Allison releases her pout and shrugs her arms out in his direction, bringing him in for a half-hearted hug.
He squeezes her and he feels her shoulders give in to his embrace, the last of her prickliness melting away.
“You better behave or I’ll rumour your head down the toilet.”
“I know,” says Klaus, squeezing her a little harder.
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Reblogs feed the writer: @badsext @softforklave @anglophile-rin @neist @purblzart @maerenee930 @firstpersonnarrator @allisoooon @cemeteryklaus @super-unpredictable98 @courtneytarynofficial @mokolataddict @pickledbeefwastaken @love-is-dirty-baby @inspiremeandsetmefree @jender123 @vonkimmeren @sylvertyger @merrilark @rob-private @pietro-t1me @not-oscar-wilde @squishitude @thislovelylife
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jessefandomunited ¡ 1 year ago
Imagine you and Shaun cuddling on the couch and keeps dragging you back teasingly every time you remind him you have work to do saying it's much more important to cuddle with him
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countlessimagines ¡ 8 months ago
Hi! If your still doing the ship requests great, if not that’s Totally fine! (I think these are so fun lmao) I’d like to request one from umbrella academy (anyone but five.) and stranger things please! (My favorites are Klaus, Ben, lila, Eddie, and Robin if that’s important)
I’m bi, afab, and gender-fluid. I like to believe I’m more androgynous but fem leaning most days.
Blue eyes, ginger (groan I know) and I have kind of a cross between a shag and a long mullet. I love punk fashion and trad goth fashion (as well as the music!) my favorite genres are goth, punk rock, riot grrl, metal, and I vibe with almost any rock or alternative (favorite artists are sisters of mercy, mommy long legs, queen, Melanie Martinez, ramones, Bauhaus, siouxsie and the banshees, David Bowie, cheap perfume, and bikini kill!)
I’m a Leo! And For personality I think my sense of humour is pretty good, I’ve been described as confident, I’m pretty sarcastic but in a good way I think. I love art, drawing, and sewing <33
I ship you with…
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(Sorry for the incredibly late response, I have not checked my inbox for years)
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monsterswithimagines ¡ 3 months ago
Maccas - Nathan Young
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Nathan Young x Female!Reader
Summary: You and Nathan are sorting through food for the needy. Nathan is being unhelpful.
Words: 1.1k
A/N: honestly, this is just kind of a practice-fic. I'm trying to decide if I want to write a multichapter fic about Nathan or not.
Sally had decided this morning that splitting your group up was the only way to get you all to be at least mildly productive.
Of course, she'd then gone about it in the dumbest way possible: she'd stuck Alisha and Curtis together on litter duty, which probably meant they were going to end up shagging somewhere, and she was making you and Nathan sort through food for the food drive. Simon and Kelly–who were somewhere else in the community centre sorting through clothes donated to a charity shop–were probably the only ones getting any real work done right about now.
To be fair, it probably wouldn't have mattered who Sally had put Nathan with. He was never productive and he wasn't about to start now.
Just now he was sitting on the floor stuffing his face with a family size bag of crisps.
“You know those are meant for the needy?” you asked, rolling your eyes at him.
“I am the needy,” Nathan said good-naturedly. “If you hadn't noticed, I'm livin’ in the community centre.”
He had a point, but you weren't about to concede to that when he was making you do all of this work by yourself. Instead, you set another box of sorted, non-expired food on top of the last one you'd filled and sighed, looking at all the unsorted cans, packs, bottles and whatever-the-fuck that you still had to go through.
“Alright then,” Nathan said, getting to his feet in a semi-graceful motion and wiping his greasy hands on the sides of his orange jumpsuit. He walked over to the boxes you'd already sorted. “Where do these go?”
“The front hall.”
Nathan nodded, but when he attempted to lift the box you'd just set down, he quickly dropped it again.
“Jesus! Did ya have to make it so heavy?”
You gave Nathan an unimpressed look and, with some grumbling and grunting, he picked up the box again and began to carry it where it needed to go.
Only for the bottom of the box to rip before he'd even left the room.
The food went spilling everywhere. It was a good thing it was mostly cans you'd put in there–they may have been dented, but at least they weren't breakable.
“Nathan!” you exclaimed.
“What? That wasn't my fault,” Nathan complained. “You didn't need to fill up the box that much!”
“You're supposed to hold the bottom when you lift it, you twat,” you snapped, pulling a hand through your hair. “Do you have no common sense?”
“Well, clearly I don't!” Nathan said, leaning down to pick up cans and setting them back on the table with the unsorted stuff. Great. “What is this shit, anyway. Beans? Classic. That's what people need. More beans.”
“You're such a wanker.”
You fell silent, then, even as Nathan kept chattering on about how beans were the worst type of vegetable, right below beets and brussel sprouts. You were only half-listening, checking expiration dates and putting things into a new box.
“And look, it's not that I don't think people need vegetables, okay? But I'm just sayin', some carrots, some peas–” He paused. “Anyway. Y'know what poor people really need? Condoms. I'm tellin’ ya, they just wanna be able to shag without the danger of having yet another tyke they can't afford. Condoms and maybe some booze. You're never hungry if you drink enough.”
“Is that what you're doing then?” you asked, glancing at Nathan. He seemed surprised you'd interrupted his ranting. “Getting drunk every night and shagging people?”
“Well,” Nathan said, grinning. “Not every night."
You gave him a look, and he shrugged.
"I just kinda sit around, eat whatever I can get out of the vending machines and go to bed early.” A short moment. “Sometimes I do nick some beers from the kitchen. But don't tell anyone.”
That was just… profoundly sad. You didn't know what to say to that.
“What about you, then?” Nathan asked. Suddenly, he was next to you, actually helping you sort through things. Admittedly, he just sort of chucked everything he deemed edible into boxes without caring if that counted as ‘sorted’ or not, but it was more than he'd been doing before. “What do you do every night?”
“Not much, either, I guess. Sometimes I go for drinks with some mates.”
Less and less, these days. Ever since you'd started community service, it was as if your old mates had faded into the background of your life, replaced by your fellow young offenders. Sometimes you and Kelly went out to the pubs, and Alisha had tried to invite you to go clubbing with her a few times now–but that didn't really seem like your scene anymore.
Then there was the times you all went out together, but it made no sense telling Nathan about that, considering he was there.
“Mostly I stay home, clean up around my flat, read a little,” you said with a shrug.
“So you have no life, the– Ow!” Nathan rubbed his arm where you'd just punched him. “Jesus.”
“I used to have more of a life before I went and got myself arrested,” you said. “I'm pretty sure going out and getting profoundly fucked up on several kinds of substances breaches the terms of my ASBO. Or at least, the things I do when I am that fucked breach them.”
“Pretty sure we're way beyond breaching ASBOs at this point,” Nathan pointed out. Then: “we should go out sometime.”
“Oh, yeah, we'd totally have fun. You and me and a couple'a shots, maybe some coke or somethin’. Who knows what we'd get up to?”
“That sounds like a bad idea.”
“No, no, it'll be fun!”
“Yeah, no.”
“You're so boring.”
Maybe you were, at that. You really had been more of a party girl before community service. But look where it had gotten you: stuck at the community centre every day, the blood of a probation worker on your hands…
You tried not to think too much about that.
Nathan was silent–somehow–for a whole minute before he said:
“So that's a no to the going out thing, then? We don't have to do drugs, we could just go to Maccas or something.”
You looked at Nathan and found him very pointedly not looking at you.
“Are you asking me on a date?”
“No!” Nathan exclaimed. “Well, unless you're about to say yes. Then yes.”
You blinked at him.
“Um,” you said. “Okay.”
“Okay?” Nathan asked, looking at you somewhat hopefully.
“No to the drugs. Yes to Maccas. And I'm not a shagging on the first date type of gal.”
“Right!” Nathan said, grinning. “Gotcha!”
He was a lot more helpful sorting through the rest of the food after that, and even managed not to rip any more boxes.
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mindful-of-ideas ¡ 2 years ago
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Inspired by the song C’mon by Panic! At The Disco feat. Fun.
If I should die tonight / May I first just say I'm sorry / For I, never felt like anybody / I am a man of many hats although I / Never mastered anything But I am ten feet tall / I've never felt this tall since the fall Nobody seems to know my name So don't leave me and sleep all alone Maybe stay lost on our way home
A/N: I mention some books but the references are pretty obvious or not that important. I’ll add explanations in the tags (: Also, this was kind of a struggle to write, I don’t know why. I hope you still like it.
TW: Alcohol (it’s Misfits, what did you expect)
You were standing by the river, partially hidden by some trees and bushes. On the other side, sharp rocks were blocking any access. If the morning had been cold and damp, the sky was now clear and the sun was warming up your skin gently. You couldn’t tell if it had been since you had started university or since that freaky storm hit the town, but you hadn’t quite felt like yourself during the past weeks. Not that change was necessarily bad, but the transition period was scary. You felt like a traitor to yourself, like an impostor in your own body. And there was nothing you could do than embrace it, which was easier said than done. Even knowing that, you couldn’t help but worry and overthink everything you did and said. Yet today seemed promising. You could just enjoy the sun and the beach and a good book. No better way to escape reality.
You were about to sit down when you heard a scream coming from the rocks. Seconds later, a tall lanky guy came rolling down the rocks. Too stunned to say anything, you watched him pick himself up awkwardly before losing his footing and crashing into you. You lost your balance and landed in the water.
“Sorry,” mumbled the guy, quickly glancing over his shoulder.
“Yeah, right,” you said trying to get up.
“Here, wait,” he said extending a hand, “how ungentleman of me!”
He was smiling though you could have sworn that just moments before he looked as if he was going to break down.
“You’re not wet,” he said pointing down at you.
“I’m sorry?” you asked finally getting up.
“You’re not wet…”
“See, it sounds like you’re saying I’m not wet which is either very weird or just… creepy.”
“It is weird, you fell in the water and look, you’re not wet.”
“That’s,” impossible, you were about to say. But as you looked down, you could clearly see that your jeans were dry.
“See,” he said, “not wet.”
“Can you just stop saying the word ‘wet’?” you said letting out a sigh.
This didn’t make sense. How could you be completely dry when you just fell in the water. No one could do that… unless they were…
“I’m Nathan by the way,” he said once again extending his hand.
“Y/N,” you said, shaking his hand reluctantly, “where did you come from exactly?” you asked gesturing vaguely towards the rocks.
They were a good few feet above your head and while there was a path up there, it came nowhere near close to the edge.
“Some guy was chasing and I ran all the way to here but can we talk about the fact that you’re not wet. Is this like your power or something?”
“You… my… what?” you asked now more confused than ever.
You took a few steps back. This guy was definitely weird and maybe just a little bit too weird. And what was he talking about, powers? That would explain how you were still dry, but it didn’t make any sense.
“You know what, I think I might just go,” you said.
“No, what? You think I’m weird!” he said, but you had already turned away from him, “for all I know you’re the weird one, all alone in some… recluse part of the river!”
You picked up your bag when small rocks tumbled down to your feet. You barely had time to look up before a man came sliding down the rocks. He was tall with broad shoulders and quite scary. Scarier than whoever that Nathan guy was. Which, speaking of, screamed behind you. You went back to him, hoping to ask for an explanation but the man followed right behind you.
“Do something!” Nathan screamed as he hid behind you, grabbing your shoulder.
What could you do? Nothing. There was nothing you could do. Yet instinctively, you put up your hand to protect your face. As you did, you saw water come out of the river and follow the same path, a few inches in front of your hand. A wave crashed, full force, into the man, stopping him dead in his tracks.
“That was so cool,” said Nathan behind you.
But there was no time to talk about what had just happened. You grabbed his hand and started running.
You ran. And you ran, and you ran, and you ran, all the way to the busiest street in the city. It was now the end of the afternoon and there weren’t many people out, yet you needed to be in a crowd to feel safe. As you reached the corner of the street, where a pub faced a corner store, you finally stopped running.
“Dude! That was so cool! Is that what you got? Like water powers?” said Nathan excitedly.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” you said, “and I think this time I’ll go, for real.”
“How about I invited you for a drink,” he said pointing behind him at the pub, “I mean, you’re still holding my hand after all.”
Surprised, you let go of his hand and wiped your own on your pants. This day couldn’t get any weirder. Having to run away from some man-in-black kind of made the top of the list. Though, thinking that you could have superpowers was up there too. Could he be right? That you had some kind of power? You tried remembering what made you feel different these last few weeks. Somehow, it all went back to that impostor feeling and, strangely, to the books you’ve been reading First, there was Lord of the Rings, and for a good few days you felt taller, just like the elves were taller than humans. Then, there was this floating sensation that made you feel sick for weeks after reading Mr. Vertigo. Now, it was those water powers that you got after reading Percy Jackson.
“So?” he asked, bending sideways to look at your face and cutting short your reflection.
“Sure,” you said, snapping back to reality, “but you owe me some explanations.”
At least you thought you wanted explanations.
As you step into the pub and aimed for the closest table. But Nathan grabbed your wrist and dragged you to the back. You sat down at the booth not wasting a second before drilling him with questions.
“So who was that guy?” you asked, “Why was he chasing you?”
“Hold on!” he said, “Don’t you want a beer first? Garçon!” he called.
But the waiter walked past him without even looking.
“Can I at least know a little bit more about who saved me first?” he asked, “put aside the fact that you probably drown the guy, you still didn’t run away when he came running at us. That’s impressive! I want to know more about that Y/N.”
You rolled your eyes. How could you tell him more about you when you didn’t even know yourself. Still, you took note of the compliment. If Nathan had seemed cocky at first, he might turn out to be good at heart. Just like he seemed curious about you, you realized you were curious about him.
“You don’t think I actually drown him, do you?” you asked.
The waiter passed by again and you asked for beers and nachos.
“So, who are you,” Nathan asked, ignoring your question.
“I’m Y/N… I told you, didn’t I?”
He seemed exasperated.
“I know that, I mean who are you, what do you do, what do you like?”
“I don’t know,” you confessed, “I’m a student… I don’t do much apart from that.”
“Summer just ended! You must’ve done something fun?” he said.
You didn’t really know what to answer. But you noticed the absence of pity, something you were becoming more and more familiar with, in his question.
“Well, me and my friends saved the world!” he said, seeing you weren’t saying anything.
He leaned back in the booth, arms crossed behind his head.
“What…” you said, not really believing him.
“And how come, everyone, doesn’t know about this?” you asked still doubting him.
“Don’t know… we wanted to stay anonymous,” he said.
“We did, I’m telling you! Me and my friends, at the community center, we saved the world. We’re like superheroes… no vigilantes, that’s cooler. We’re like vigilantes!”
You laughed. Whether or not this was true didn’t really matter to you. What did matter was that you were having fun. The conversation moved on easily as you talked about summer, school, friends, dreams and thankfully not about family. You couldn’t believe it went you glanced behind Nathan and saw that it was dark outside.
“So those powers of yours, what are they?” he asked suddenly.
“I… I’m not sure actually,” you said, without much confidence.
He shrugged, indifferent.
You had spent the whole evening being what you believe to be your truest self. You weren’t going to start lying now, but his reaction did hurt a bit. Somehow, you wanted him to like you, to be interested in you. And that’s all it took for the doubts to come crawling back. What if you actually hadn’t been sincere with him? What if you had convinced even yourself that the mask was who you really were?
You shook your head lightly.
“So, who was the guy chasing you?” you asked right after, hoping this time you would get an answer.
“Mehh, some guy, nothing to worry about sweetheart…”
“I’m not your sweet-”
“Your power is cool, but not as cool as mine!”
It seemed like he was avoiding the question.
“You’re not gonna ask what it is? Well, I’m immortal,” he said, a big smile plastered on his face.
You frowned.
“Yep, that’s right, baby. This body, unkillable. It will stay young and strong, just like it is now, forever.”
“But how-”
“Shhh, I know you’re impressed,” he said moving forward to press his finger to your lips.
You swatted his hand away.
“Kids, I’m gonna have to ask you to leave,” the waiter said, pointing at the clock behind the bar.
“Right, sure,” you said, getting up and grabbing your bag, maybe a little bit too quickly.
Part of you just wanted to get out. You were convinced you had just ruined the whole evening by not being true to him. But part of you really didn’t want this night to end. This was the most fun you had in weeks, and thinking about it, this was one of the rare times you actually didn’t worry about who you were. At least for a while.
You wait as Nathan put on his vest and headed outside together.
“I guess this is where we say goodbye,” you said, looking up at him.
“Y/N?” he said, looking down and ruffling his hair.
“I… nothing actually,” he said, sitting down on the curb.
He looked sad. Not that you pitied him, on the contrary, it was a sadness you thought you could understand. You sat down by his side and waited for him to speak again.
“It’s just… if I should die tonight…”
You have him a worried look.
“Not that I will!” he added quickly, “or that I want to! I mean I couldn't even die, you know, the whole immortal thing… Anyway, I, first, just want to say I’m sorry, because I… this whole evening… I never felt like anybody… I…”
“You felt like you were playing a character of yourself in a play?” you suggested.
“Yeah, something like that… how’d you know? You noticed?” he asked, slightly worried.
“No, let’s just say I don’t always feel like I’m truly myself… apart from tonight, except…”
“Except what?” he asked.
You looked up at him, though he was looking at the ground.
“Nothing…” you said.
You didn’t know what else to add but felt like you didn’t have to add anything. In some way, this silence seemed to be healing you both.
“You know,” you finally said, “there was a moment during those last weeks when I truly felt like I was taller…”
“Because of your power, right?” he said smiling weakly.
“I don’t know, maybe… that’s not the point. The point is that I felt like I was taller but that didn’t last… at least not until today. Those few hours spent with you, I’ve never felt this tall, this important, since the storm. Even if, just like you, I ended up doubting if I had truly been myself.”
Another silence, though this time, you could tell Nathan was thinking about something.
“I lied,” he finally confessed, “All of it, all of the important stuff at least. I am immortal, I did kind of save the world but nobody seems to know my name… and those guys at the community center… I don’t know if they really are my friends… I…”
You tapped his shoe lightly with yours, trying to get his attention and keep him from spiralling down like you, yourself, had done many times before. It didn’t seem to work too well and so you went and grab his hand. Just like you had done earlier today but this time more gently.
“You know, it’s only 1:00 am on a Friday night,” you suggested, “you still have time to tell me the truth, if you want to.”
For someone who didn't have much confidence, you sure sounded like you had some now. Weirdly, you felt comfortable talking about the fact that you didn’t know who you were made you feel more like yourself.
“Maybe…” Nathan finally said.
He got up, and just like before, offered his hand.
“I just don’t want to spend the night all alone, so let’s figure out something to do,” he said.
“Maybe we’ll stay lost on our way home,” you said smiling and taking his hand.
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imyourbratzdoll ¡ 2 years ago
Hiiii do you think you could do a Nathan young x an easily flustered reader? Somebody who would easily fall for his charm
hi baby, i'm so sorry for taking so long! I hope you like it, and I apologise for how short it is.
summary - nathan goes out of his way to make you flustered.
the gif I use isn't mine, divider by @newlips
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You could feel your cheeks heat up as your eyes connected to Nathan’s from across the community centre. You quickly look away and continue to paint the wall in front of you. “Oi, pretty girl!” You ignore him, not wanting him to see how flustered you get from his words alone. Nathan whistles, making his way over to you. “Hey, pretty girl, didn’t ya hear me?” His Irish accent filled your ears, causing you to look at him. “There ya go! Finally got ya attention!” He gives you a cheeky smile, enjoying how flustered you get around him. 
“W–what, uh….” You stumble on your words, staring into his pretty eyes. 
“Aw! Pretty girl can’t speak!” Nathan smirks, “Do I get ya all flustered, baby? It’s cause I’m so charming, huh?” You giggle, turning your head away. 
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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xx-obliviousfantasy-xx ¡ 6 months ago
Me when Keke Palmer, Stephanie Hsu, Janelle MonĂĄe, Jordan Fisher literally just exist in anything for even 2 seconds
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ugh-cam ¡ 2 years ago
New post on the side blog! Go give it some love <3
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